
Sunday 10 July 2011

Watch Rambabu Gadi Pellam 2010 Telugu Movie Online

Allari Naresh, Gajala, Sonali Joshi,
Geetha Singh, Kausalya, Venu Madhav,
Ali, M S Narayana, L B SriRam,
A V S Subramanyam, Dharmavarapu Subramanyam,
Jeeva, Chinna, Jyothi, Suman Setty,
Priyanka, Vijayachandar, Ambati Srinivas, Pradeep

It can be very hard indeed to go about life being referred to as Rambabu Gadi Pellam instead of your real name
. The parents of Rambabu Gadi Pellam (Gajala) anticipate this right at her birth, and so name her Rambabu Gadi Pellam itself, so people don't have to refer to her as Rambabu Gadi Pellam but can actually call her Rambabu Gadi Pellam.

And - this is not easy for us to say - the opening titles of Rambabu Gadi Pellam, the film, have just started rolling.

Then on, the number of times you laugh depends on your faith in the Telugu film comedy industry and what it takes for you to sit through an entire film thinking how funny it is just to have Allari Naresh on screen.

The story is about how Rambabu (Allari Naresh) suppresses his carnal urges throughout life. It's a difficult task, for several reasons. Firstly, at office he's surrounded by a sleazy bunch of much-married colleagues (Venu Madhav, Ali, M S Narayana, Chinna) who poke fun at him because he doesn't take part in their sleazy extra-curricular activities, namely placing orders for women on the weekends.

Secondly, Rambabu is surrounded by nymphomaniacs of quite a few types, including his neighbours and his maradalu Rambabu Gadi Pellam. Thirdly, he's falling in love with a girl (Sonali Joshi) who fell in love with him because he didn't leer at her.

And then, when he gets himself transferred to someplace else to escape his cousin, he falls into the trap of the ultimate nympho of them all – the boss' girlfriend (Jyothi), who takes him home on some pretext, seats him outside her bedroom, wraps a towel round her waist, removes her panty and tosses it “accidentally� in front of him, goes to a bathroom to bathe, and asks him to get her her lingerie that's lying on her bed.

It's a terrible idea to enter the movie if you're a woman or a kid, or even anything else for that matter. However, if you're in the mood for some irresponsible chuckles, Rambabu Gadi Pellam might just entertain you. Quite a few bawdy jokes abound and it's a largely miserably formless script, but some of the humour makes it a couple of notches superior to being downright disastrous, making it worthy of a 2.5 rating overall.

Allari Naresh could even file a sexual harassment case against the makers of this movie. He's done well, though - wearing just one helpless and frustrated expression throughout the movie, which tickles you endlessly. The galaxy of comedians also does a decent job of adding weight to the jokes. And except for Gajala and Sonali Joshi, the other women are black holes of talent.

The flick seems to have been in the cans for at least 5 years, going by the ages of some of the characters. The visuals are shoddy, but the music surprises sometimes, making you wonder how on earth they managed to rope in Hariharan and Chitra for the songs.

You can perhaps watch Rambabu Gadi Pellam, but only if you're sure no one's looking.

Source 1 (Full Movie) Megavideo

Source 2 Zshare
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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